Top 5 cat subreddits

It’s no secret that the internet is made for cats. And of cats. Cats cats cats.

I am an avid fan of reddit. I’m on it daily, where 85% of my feed is comprised of cats. Here are my top 5 cat-themed subreddits for you to subscribe to and enjoy. Trust me, these will brighten up your day.

1. /r/blep


One of the most highly upvoted bleps on reddit. Original post here.

What is a blep, you ask? Well simply put, it’s when a cat has it’s tongue out.  This subreddit is full of hilarious kitties hanging out with their little bleps blowing in the breeze.

Fun fact: The first rule of this subreddit, is that every title must contain the word ‘blep’ somehow.

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Introduction & 5 facts about Britt

I’m Britt, and whew, what a crazy time I’ve had lately!

Work is in full swing and busier than ever, I’m trying to get my house feeling like a home, and of course I’m planning my wedding.

And yet, here I am, creating and posting on my new blog. I’ve just spent hours working on this site, figuring out what I wanted to write, and making sure my rhymes are tight. But seriously. I’m a bad procrastinator. I do useless things when I should be doing real adult things. Anyone else?

Anyways, just wanted to throw out a big huge WELCOME to my blog. There’s not much here yet, but I’m planning on using this as an outlet for all my random information. I’ve also been a jack of all trades, and a master of none. If you can relate, then you might know how hard it is to find that perfect outlet for all your passions.

For example: I like horses. I could make an entire blog dedicated to horses, but because I’m no expert, I would run out of content very quickly.

Hence this blog. Yes, it’s random. Yes, it’s all over the place (in terms of content).

But here I can post about my thoughts on the latest Kingdom Hearts game (c’mon KH3, where you at?!), or talk about what’s going on with my cats, or talk about my reviews of beauty products. Whatever comes to mind, I want to be able to make thoughtful posts all in one location.

Bonus: 5 facts about me.

  1. I collect rubber duckies. No reason, I just like duckies.
  2. I used to be a complete dog person, but have turned into more of a cat person over the last 3 years.
  3. I’m nice to a fault most times.
  4. I went to 5 different universities to get my Bachelor’s degree.
  5. I subscribe to over 15 cat-related subreddits on Reddit.

So I hope you enjoy! Feel free to leave a comment or shoot me a message. I love to hear requests too, so if there’s something you want me to review, let me know!
